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Showing posts from April, 2018


One activist agenda I would follow if I was into activism would be artivism. Artivitst try to pursued the public to push and really think about politics and the government and their problems. Their mediums consist of protesting and jamming but mostly you see artivist using street art because that way the public can see it always in their neighborhoods. I agree with this tactic. I think the best way to get your point across and keep it there in a constant understanding and memory is to plaster it in a bold and unapologetic way. One way to see artivism work is artivism online. This website shows artist all over trying to make a difference. You can look to gain opinion or to show off what you have to say. Simply broadcast your message. A great website to go to to understand artivism and to see what you can do is Beautiful Rising. They talk about artivist but also a wide option on things. This website shows you actions and campaigns that worked for them in

Orange is The New Black

I decided to binge watch Orange is the New Black for this week. I got through a couple of them, there are 5.   I noticed that the main way this show traps their audience is huge reveals and shocking actions that the audience didn’t think of. Prison sure is unpredictable.   In the first season you meet Chapman and you watch her adjust to prison life. There is normal drama, ex girlfriend being there does not help and in prison there is always someone who wants to kill you. This show really keeps you in on each character showing back stories to support their actions before they happen. Now knowing some of the back story of the other inmates they tend to end episodes leaving you wondering what will this crazy person do next! They led you up with a formula, character, backstory, actions in present. But to keep you guessing they end a lot of episodes after backstory or you are giving a little action.   They also remind you how horrible humans are. Even the ones that are me

Tom Tykwer films

I will be analyzing Cloud Atlas, Run Lola Run, and Perfume The story of a Murderer, these are three films that tom Tykwer made and added in his special flare. To me the main theme that all three films have in common is the hate or the distrust in the world and how it is always changing but equally the same. Another theme I noticed is how each person in these films deals with chance, that deals with the future like how the next events will affect the next couple actions. Last would have to be death or just loss in general. In Cloud Atlas you follow six different lives spread between 200 years. In each one they are making huge change and decisions that will affect their lives. In each one also there is death or loss. People are being killed my natives or shot in the head. This film shows how no matter when you live, freedom is never free and death is never easy. I feel like in Run Lola Run you see this also. Not only does death follow them in the end but it’s the amoun